FlashForge Guider II
Guider II je profesionální FDM/FFF tiskárna. Díky celokovové konstrukci rámu a tělovým bočním panelům z vysoce odolného ABS má Guider nejen stabilní tiskový výkon, ale je lehký a odolný. Ideální řešení pro architektonický a stavební sektor, vědecký výzkum, výrobní průmysl a vzdělávání. Čtěte více

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47900 Kč

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Výrobce: FlashForge



Guider II is a professional FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) 3D printer, and follows its predecessor in its reputable structure. With an all-metal frame design and body side panels made of high-strengt ABS material, the Guider II not only has a stable print performance, but os lightweight and durable. Perfect for the architectural and construction sector, science research, manufacturing industries and education.

Compared to the first generation, Guider II enables the use of more types of filament due to the improved molded transparent top cover and front doors, allowing the enclosed print chamber temperature to be more stable. Guider II also includes a new Resume Printing function after power failure to ensure a smoother user experience.

Guider II follows its predecessor in its reputable structure. All moving parts are processed with immense precision to ensure stable print performance. The Guider II has a 68 % increased build volume, higher precision and reduced failed print rate.

The Guider II comes brings a number of great features, such as:
• Innovative Extruder System – completely encased air supply system to elevate printing smoothness
• Heatable Build Plate – supports multiple mainstream filament types for diverse printing needs
• Touch Screen – Guider II is equipped with a 5-inch full colour touch screen and multilingual user interface. Here you can preview your printing models.

FlashPrint, the mainstream slicing software used by FlashForge, has garnered outstanding reviews by the media and professionals. The software further offers an expert mode, which allows dozens of parameters to be set by the user, for greater printing flexibility. With the external/internal compensation feature the dimensional errors are reduced to 0.02 mm.

FlashForge Guider II
FlashForge Guider II

47900 Kč

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