PrimaCreator Value Tough UV Resin (ABS Like) - 500 ml - Light Grey

PrimaCreator Value Tough UV Resin (ABS Like) - 500 ml - Light Grey

3D print resilient components. Tough resin (ABS Like) is perfect for model making as it´s easy to post process. This 3D printer resin is also very suitable for functional prototyping as it is tough enough. One use case is the 3D printing of glasses. As these objects must be strong but pliable. Moreover, resin from our VALUE line is a high-quality resin made from the best materials. Your 3D print cures in sunlight or a UV curing chamber. When the curing is finished, the result is a rock-hard 3D print with very small shrinkage. It is similar strong than ABS.Material properties Tough UV Resin:3D print strong & resilient componentsTough resin – Strong parts like ABSUse for prototyping & end use partsCure in sunlight or a UV curing chamber Čtěte více

Na objednávku

509 Kč



Material properties Tough UV Resin:

  • 3D print strong & resilient components
  • Tough resin – Strong parts like ABS
  • Use for prototyping & end use parts
  • Cure in sunlight or a UV curing chamber

Flexural modulus 1.192 - 2.525 MPa
Flexural strength  60 - 80 MPa
Thermal expansion 97*E-6
Tensile strength 42-62 MPa
Tensile modulus 1.86 - 2.645 MPa
Elongation at break 11% - 21%
Hardness (Shore D) 76 - 80D
Glass transition temp. 70℃
Density 1.05 - 1.25g/cm3
Notched impact strength 60 - 80j/m
Viscosity 150 - 350 MPa·s
Curing time 4 - 12s for layer thickness 0.05 mm
Bottom layer 40 - 60 s

Doplňující informace

Kategorie: UV LCD
Barva: šedá
Váha materiálu: 0,5 kg
PrimaCreator Value Tough UV Resin (ABS Like) - 500 ml - Light Grey
PrimaCreator Value Tough UV Resin (ABS Like) - 500 ml - Light Grey

509 Kč

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