Copymaster PLA - 1.75mm -1 kg - Fluorescent Green

Copymaster PLA - 1.75mm -1 kg - Fluorescent Green

PLA from Copymaster3D is a high-quality filament that can be used in many applications when it comes to 3d-printing. We also offer Copymaster3D in a wide range of colors so you can be sure of finding your personal favorite. PLA is based on polylactic acid and is fully biodegradable and emits no toxic fumes.

  • Outstanding price to performance ratio
  • PLA is the easiest filament to print with
  • Good for professionals as well as for beginners
  • Good for making high-resolution parts
  • No shrinking after cooling
  • Low risk of warping
  • Low melting point
  • Wide range of attractive colors available
  • No toxic fumes
  • Biodegradable
  • Čtěte více

    Na objednávku

    469 Kč




    • Outstanding price to performance ratio
    • PLA is the easiest filament to print with
    • Good for professionals as well as for beginners
    • Good for making high-resolution parts
    • No shrinking after cooling
    • Low risk of warping
    • Low melting point
    • Wide range of attractive colors available
    • No toxic fumes
    • Biodegradable

    Basic Data Printing Parameter 

    Filament Typ PLA
    Diameter 1,75 mm
    Tolerance 0,05 mm
    Weight 1,00 kg
    Lenght 335 m
    Color Luminous green - RAL 6038
    Color flouesecent green
    Recomended Printing Temp Min 190 ºC
    Recomended Printing Temp Max 220 ºC
    Recomended Printbed Temperature Min 0 ºC
    Recomended Printbed Temperature Max 45 ºC
    Recomended Printing Speed Min 40 mm/s
    Recommended Printing Speed Max 150 mm/s
    Recomended Fan Speed Min 60 %
    Recomended Fan Speed Max 100 %
    Specific gravity 1,24 g/cm3   ASTM D792
    Heat deflection temp 50 °C
    Tensile strength 45 MPa
    Elongation at yield 5,3 %   ASTM D638
    Elongation at break 13,3 %   ASTM D638
    Flexural Strenght 63,64 %   ISO 178
    Flexural Modulus 2157    ISO 178
    Impact Strength 17 KJ/m2   ISO 179

    Více z kategorie

    Doplňující informace

    Kategorie: PLA
    Barva: zelená
    Váha materiálu: 1 kg
    Copymaster PLA - 1.75mm -1 kg - Fluorescent Green
    Copymaster PLA - 1.75mm -1 kg - Fluorescent Green

    469 Kč

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